CarnevaleIn 2008 I was doing all I could to put myself through college. I was a single mother and juggling all kinds of things to make it to class…Mar 5Mar 5
International Migrants DayTraveling has been my desire since I was a little girl. And it took what it took and it is taking what it is taking for me to do it and to…Dec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
Health-I-CAREI am increasingly hearing about the troubles with the healthcare system in the US; costs up ongoingly, inadequate person appointed to head…Dec 7, 2024Dec 7, 2024
The Day After November 5, 2024I am sharing this now as I wanted to wait and perhaps… Hope… hope that I’d be wrong about my instincts with respect to the results of the…Nov 6, 2024Nov 6, 2024
MuxíaI saw her arrive at night to the albergue in Negreira. We said hello timidly.Aug 14, 2024Aug 14, 2024
Camiño a FisterraI had walked about 12 Km of the 31+ total for me to arrive at my destination. Walking against winds and rain, uphill; my raincoat had…Aug 14, 2024Aug 14, 2024